Radio Rides the Range


A comprehensive encyclopedia to more
    than 100 radio programs portraying the
    American West, in fact and fiction,
    from 1929-1967.


      Edited by Jack French and David S. Siegel 
      Foreword by Will “Sugarfoot”  Hutchins

      Print ISBN: 978-0-7864-7146-1
      Ebook ISBN: 978-1-4766-1254-6


       "This sorely needed book will help document the radio westerns." 
                                                       Fran Striker, Jr., son of the creator of the Lone Ranger.
    Each entry describes:
    • the series
    • the extent to which it was based on actual facts
    • the audience it was written for    
    • its broadcast history
    • the availability of surviving audio copies and original scripts
    • how the program reflected society's changing social and cultural attitudes towards
      racial and ethnic minorities and the role of women